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20 Hacks On How To Use Twitter To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

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There are many ways to promote and drive traffic to your Blog.

Guest Posting, Mentions, Organic Ranking, PPC etc.

Among them, you probably know that you can drive traffic to your Blog from social sites too.

As you know that there are literally many social sites out there.

There is Pinterest, FaceBook, Instagram, Quora, Scoop it Etc

But today let’s talk about how you can leverage Twitter to drive traffic to your Blog

Twitter is a goldmine to get visitors if harnessed properly

But not many are leveraging it and it didn’t get the attention it deserved.

How To Use Twitter to Drive Traffic to Your Blog:

1. Visual

Not many people like to see only a text-based content and it applies the same to your Tweets too.

Most of the things that go viral on the internet contain some sort of visual content

It may be Meme, Gif, or a Picture

So, how about the next time you tweet, make sure to insert an image with a link back to your site

Even reports show that the engagement rate is double for tweets which contain image links

Tweets with images got more favorites and retweets

Bottomline: Include Visual In your Tweet

2. Use Quote

Include a Quote in your tweet which connects with the content of your blog post

Let’s say that your Blog Post is about Inspiration and asking people to not give up

Tweet something with the quote included along with it and also show them a little excerpt of your Blog post

It will get the attention of People and chances are they are most likely to click on it.

3. Call To Action

This is very important

The people who see your tweet may like your tweet and just scroll down

But if you include a call to action they are more likely to Click On it.

Example: Click Here, Read More, Check it out and what not

So, never forget to add a call to action in every of your Tweet unless you are just randomly tweeting of you feel about your car 😁

4. @Mentions

This is a great way to get the attention of someone

Mention People You Include in the Blog Post

Because when you mention them in your tweet, they personally get a message or a notification informing them about it.

Who isn’t excited when someone mentions you?

Even myself couldn’t help to check out too.

So, Chances are they might check out your tweet and may even go through your content too.

If you had mentioned some important person or brand in your article, just mention them too in your tweet

It wouldn’t cost you anything. It’s called free advertising

5. Repurpose Your Blog Content

It can be in Video format, infographic, etc

Create a short video explaining in a nutshell about your Content.

You can use cartoon whiteboard explainer type of videos or you can even shoot yourself too talking about it

If you don’t know how to create videos, you can basically hire someone from Fiverr or Upwork to do the job for you

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Give them just enough in the video and left them cliff-hanging.

In that way, by making them curious they are more likely to check out your content

The Other way is to craft a beautifully designed infographic of your Blog post

If your design isn’t that appealing, it could not live up to it’s full potential

You can use Canva to create your infographic

But you can also hire a professional designer from sites like Dribble, 99 Design, Fiverr to design it for you.

6. Use Hashtags#

Fun Fact: Did you know that Hashtag was first used on Twitter by Chris Messina?

Always, Always use Hashtag in your Tweet

I too seem to be lacking on this part

Why you should hashtag is that when you use hashtag related to your topic, users can find your tweet when searching with the hashtag you use.

It can also lead to other people discover you

7. Promote Other’s Tweet

Whether it may be your competitor or just a normal tweet

By retweeting other’s tweet can help you get recognition

And when you do this on a consistent basis, they might even share your tweet with their audience too

It also helps build relationships.

8. Retweet Mentioned Tweet

When you Promote other’s content, chances are they might even mention you in their tweet

Whether it can be about you or your Blog

And when they do that, just don’t say cool and lay back

Instead, Retweet their tweet too

That way, they got more exposure and they are more likely to mention you in their future tweet too.

It’s a win-win situation

9. Do A Giveaway And Tweet About it

Hosting a giveaway is an effective way to increase your traffic and proven to work from time to time

Everybody likes Free Stuff, It’s in human DNA wanting to win something

So, people are obviously gonna join the giveaway if it is relevant and make sense to them

It doesn’t have to be super special to host a contest or a giveaway.

Maybe it can be an Ebook you created or Software, courses, etc

10. Add “Click To Tweet”

Another way to get more social shares and visitors at the same time is to embed the Click to Tweet into your Blog Post

You can use a very appealing line or maybe even a quote in the CTT Button

Hopefully, let’ say that they did share it, their followers might come to visit your site

That means you basically get free social share and traffic at the same time

Bottomline: Two Birds with One Stone

11. Timing Of Your Tweet

Sometimes your tweet may not end up on the homepage of the user

There are many reasons for it;

But first, let’s assume that you have 1000 Twitter followers.

But the fact is that not all of them are logging into their Twitter and checking their feeds every day.

Chances are you might not even be the only reason they follow

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So, when they log in to their account, their homepage will be bombarded with all the latest tweets

And Statistics show that people spend just around 1 minute each day on Twitter!

That means half of the people won’t scroll down

Sigh!! There goes your Tweet Unnoticed

So, you should tweet at targeted times

Do some testing and Check out yourTwitter Analytics (It’s free!) to figure out when Your best times for posting are and at what timeframe does it got the most engagement.

12. Tweet Often

By increasing your Tweeting frequency, it helps you to gets you more attention from your followers and also at the same time helps with your Klout score too.

Among all the social sites, Twitter is the most adamant to be frustrating over Tweeting frequency

I can’t give you the exact number but I would recommend you to tweet more often because reports show that tweeting every 15 minutes receives a higher engagement compared to tweets from every 30 minutes.

Use a scheduling tool to publish your tweets if you don’t have time for it.

However, don’t go overboard, sometimes it might annoy your followers and they might even unfollow you. (Just saying)

13. ReTweet The Same Content With Altering It

Now that since we know, sometimes your tweets can go Unnoticed.

So how do you solve that?

Ummm…I think I have a solution for that.

How about retweeting the same tweet multiple times?

But that would drive people insane including yourself.

Instead, Add some twist to your original tweet

A) Use a different image on the tweet.
B) Add a Quote
C) Mention the headline of your post
D) Ask a Question and link to your article.

14. Use Clickbait Tweets To Drive Traffic

By saying this I don’t mean to go full on Buzzfeed 2.0

Instead, write something when people see your Tweet and can make them go like Aha…

But don’t be super clickbait and over-promising

Let’s say you use the Phrase “I am gonna show you how to solve _”

But if it fails to deliver in your blog post and talks about its benefits instead of showing how to solve the problem

They aren’t gonna be much pleased, Don’t you think?

More importantly, they aren’t gonna trust you anymore and augment your brand in a negative way instead.

15) Write Great And Catchy headlines

I know this point is basically the same as the above, but anyway…

If you don’t want to go for the Clickbaity headline because some people may not like it.

instead what I would suggest is to go for creating a real genuine compelling headline

So..oo..o compelling that they couldn’t help but click on it

That is why the most important element to make people click on that link is to have a great headline.

Here are some of my personal tips to craft a catchy headline:

A) Give Them A Problem

What I mean by this is to show them what their Problem is

Example: You are having a hard time to Promote Your Blog

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B) Ask Them A Question

Example: Do you wanna know why and how to solve that Problem?

C) Show Them A Possibility

Example: It’s Possible to grow from 0-10K Traffic a month

D) Call To Action

If you really wanna increase your traffic, Here is my 7 step Blueprint which I exactly used to Increase my Traffic. Check It Out RIGHT NOW.

It’s that simple

16. Don’t Set Your Tweets To Private

This is not a Common problem but just wanna clear it out in case if someone is setting their Tweets to Private

17. Include Your Blog Link in Your Bio

You need to Craft your Twitter Bio for optimal results

Twitter allows only 160 characters, so make the best use of it

Also, don’t forget to include a link back to your blog or maybe even a particular page or a blog post

how to use twitter to drive traffic to your blog

18. Ask Other To Retweet Your Tweet

If your content isn’t a badass, not many would be willing to retweet your stuff

So, you better take of that first

Also don’t ask someone directly to retweet it. First, build social media relationships.

If you don’t want to ask each and everyone personally to retweet it, how about you just include “Please RT” in your tweet.

Many claims and even Several studies have shown that this method still works and is quite effective.

19. Pin your Tweet

Simply Pin the latest blog post tweet or the one which you are trying to get the maximum exposure

When someone visits your Page, first they are gonna see the tweet you pin

To pin your tweet it’s very easy

Click on the drop-down arrow next to your tweet and then select Pin to Your Profile Page.

That’s it. It’s that simple

20. Promote Your Tweet

Let’s say you had done all the above methods and you can’t the desired results.

There might be many reasons behind it but the most common being that you have little to none follower.

Then, I would recommend you to promote your tweet or boost your tweet. They are the same.

Compared to other Social Media sites, Twitter is among the cheapest in Advertising

Take advantage of that and see how that works out for you.


There you go, 20 ways on how to use twitter to drive traffic to your blog

Leverage the power of Twitter to grow your traffic and expand your blog audience

But the hard truth is that you can’t grow your Twitter traffic in an overnight.

It takes time and patience

Pick a handful of the tactics mentioned above and implement it

Twitter is Pretty simple but if you want to use it as your main strategic marketing tool, then you really have to get creative.

Make sure your tweet are conversational, Unique and concise.

Embrace the bird and maybe who knows it will embrace you back too.

Have you tried any of these Twitter marketing methods? Please share your thoughts in the comments below RIGHT NOW!!


  1. Hi Bhawna Thanks for stopping by!
    You should leverage twitter to drive traffic to your Blog because the traffic is targetted and are most likely to convert
    I will come up with an article on Pinterest too very soon
    Glad you like it!

  2. Great tips I’ve been wanting to better utilize twitter, this is going to get me off to a great start.
    I am excited to try these strategies! Thanks so much.

    1. Jackie Thanks for stopping by!
      Not many leverage the benefits of traffic. Glad you are about to start using it.
      Have an awesome day.

  3. BrainPundits says:

    Twitter is one of leading traffic source. I think if you use twitter effectively you can really make a difference.

    Thank you for pointing out all the topics.

  4. Moss Clement says:

    Your tips are good. My takeaway is here is to tweet at the best time when your target audience are sure to see your post. I wrote an article that deals with the best time to tweet for maximum engagement. When you tweet when your audience is online, your engagement and share will surely increase. Another takeaway for me is to pin your latest tweet, as you put it. However, for me, I will suggest pinning your best tweet as it will help you drive massive traffic to your site. Your latest tweet might not attract clicks, likes, and shares.

    1. Moss you are right, timing is everything. We have to find out at what time are they online and tweet according to it. Pinning your best tweet is another great way to gain maximum exposure unless promoting another tweet.
      Thanks for the suggestion and your tips.
      Once Again, thanks for stopping by!

  5. Such an awesome post. Social media is the great source to derive traffic. Specially Twitter is my favorite. I’m newbie blogger so this article is very useful for me. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi thanks for stopping by and taking the time to even comment!
      Yes, you are 100% right. Social Media is a great traffic source if leveraged Properly
      There are many social sites to drive traffic from such as Pinterest, FaceBook, Stumbleupon, Twitter, etc.
      Among them, twitter seem to be the most least untapped source.
      Everyone is a newbie at first. We just have to gradually grow
      Anyway,Glad you like it. Have an awesome day!

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