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Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money or No Website And Make Money Online

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In this article, I’m going to show you how to start affiliate marketing with no money or without any own website.

Let me share more details in the upcoming below sections.


Is it possible to start Affiliate Marketing with No Money and Without a Website?

Yes, it’s really possible.

Let me assume you don’t have even a single penny to invest in your online business or website.

Then these 3 methods you can try out to start an Affiliate Marketing journey without any investment. 

I’m actually going to show you 3 methods today that you can use to start doing affiliate marketing without having to create a website so that you can avoid spending money to create your website.

So, do you really need a website to start affiliate marketing?

The short answer is no!

You can right now start affiliate marketing with no money or no website.

You do not need a website to start affiliate marketing but if you want to succeed with affiliate marketing then I highly suggest that you do create a website.

The business model of affiliate marketing is very lean and it has very low overhead.

So, there’s no office space,  you don’t need any physical employees you don’t need an inventory, no shipping distribution, and packaging.

You can also pull free Google organic traffic if you start your own website.

So even with all these low costs the potential with affiliate marketing is still massive and it’s infinitely scalable.

So what I mean by this is, if you can sell ten products with affiliate marketing then you can sell 100 and if you can sell 100 you can sell a hundred thousand.

Go through this Affiliate Marketing course as well to get trained from a 6 figure income earner each and every month using Affiliate Marketing.

There are no limits to this.

start affiliate marketing with no money

What I like is that it’s a really good vehicle for making wealth.

Because if you want to put in the work and hours you will get rewarded for it based on the value that you give to the market unlike a job where your salary capped right and if you work 40 hours or if you work 80 hours you get paid the same salary, not including overtime.

You’re gonna be getting paid the same thing no matter how hard you work or how much results you get for the company.

So the idea that you can work as hard as you want but you are never going to see that paycheck change is frustrating unless you get a raise and raises only come once every six months or a year and it’s only like two to three percent for most people.

So you know this was way too slow.

I want to talk about websites and before I give you guys the 3 methods for how you can start affiliate marketing with no money or without a website.

I just want to give a quick disclaimer about a few misconceptions that people have about creating a website.

So the first thing is websites are not nearly as expensive as most people think.

if you think that you need hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars to create a website, you can actually very easily create your own website today using WordPress for less than three dollars per month.

You know that’s less than a Frappuccino at Starbucks or it’s less than you know a hamburger and fries at McDonald’s.

Okay so if you can’t even afford to invest that three dollars to start a business, then I don’t think that now is the right time for you to be going into business.

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Because business is not something that you start because it’s easy or because it’s cheap, business is inherently a risk that you take so that you can have the chance to be rewarded.

And business is a risk because you’re putting money and you’re investing this money upfront and hoping for a return.

Now if that doesn’t sit right with you, then you may be in the wrong place right now because you know a business is not about cheap or easy you know it’s an investment for your future and it’s something that really requires either time or money or both invested upfront.


Also Read: What is Affiliate Marketing?


Advantages of having your own website 

Now really quickly, some of the benefits of having a website are that the affiliate programs and the affiliate networks are gonna ask you for a website during the application.

Now if you don’t have a website, obviously you can’t put anything in the application and if you don’t have a website application chances are you’re probably gonna get denied from the affiliate network.

Another thing is with a website you can collect emails and basically create another channel aside from your other platforms where you can directly contact your customers.

Hopefully increase the profit per customer and also reach your customers again and again when there are new products on the market.

That way you can sell to the same person several times instead of just once through your content and last but not least a website is one of the first pieces to actually creating a system where you’re getting traffic and sales on autopilot 24/7.

By the way it’s very easy to start your website if you follow this step by step guide.

So if you have your own website then it helps you to turn affiliate marketing into a passive income business when you create systems that work while you sleep so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Without a website, the only affiliate programs that you can really join are gonna be Amazon Associates and any sort of direct affiliate programs like let’s say you’re part of an online course where they don’t have as many requirements to join

Now, this is totally fine if you’re a beginner and you’re learning how to do affiliate marketing using Amazon Associates which is a pretty low ticket.

Then it’s a nice sort of risk-free way to learn how to sell online because you can link to any product on Amazon’s marketplace.

So you have any sort of niche and Industry open at your disposal but again the profits are kind of low.

Because it is a low ticket thing where you’re only going to be making an average of 4 to 8 percent per item that you sell and most items on Amazon argue me under 500 $200.

Now if you want to 10x your results then a high ticket is the way to go.



There is an awesome course about Affiliate Marketing HERE with more details from a 6 figure online money-making expert who makes $1,00,000 every month.

You can check it out if you are really interested in making money online via Affiliate Marketing.



3 Methods to Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money or No Website

  1. YouTube

So the first method is YouTube.

With this method, you can start affiliate marketing with no money or no website by promoting affiliate product links in video descriptions and also in videos.

It is a free platform where anyone can join, anyone can create content with video.

You don’t even need to have a fancy camera you can just use an iPhone or a smartphone.

See also  Make Money Via Affiliate Marketing Through Instagram

Most of the cameras these days on these smartphones are so good that you don’t even need to have you know a crazy DSLR like before.

Phone cameras today shoot in 4k, so there’s no excuse for not being able to make videos if you have a smartphone today

Now one of the benefits of having a YouTube channel and creating content on there for affiliate marketing is that video is a great format that sells really well.

The reason why is that the video is longer form content and you can make videos that are 10, 20, 30 minutes an hour long if you want to and you can really build a relationship with someone much more quickly than just using text or using a website.

Through video, you get to actually see someone and you get to basically develop a relationship much quicker because you actually get to see what they’re like as a person as opposed to just reading words on a screen.

Now one thing I really love about YouTube content is that you get to rank on YouTube. So this means that when you make a video somebody can stumble upon your video six months from now, a year from now, or two years from now.

This content sticks and that’s what I like about it and that’s what makes this really passive income is because when you make a piece of content one time it has the ability to get traffic and sales for months and years into the future.

All this YouTube income you can make even if you are going to start affiliate marketing with no money or no website.

Another thing I like about the traffic on YouTube is that it is essentially warm traffic.

Because if somebody’s looking up a certain search term or a product and your video pops up this is someone who has the intent of already being interested in your product.

That means they are so much closer to buying that they just need a gentle push to make the sale.

So that’s why I love YouTube, it’s free, it’s organic content that sticks, and can get free traffic that is also warm.

These are people who are already searching for your products and they are that close to buying and you just need to push them slightly over the edge to make the sale alright.


  1. Landing Page

Method number two is what I like to call the landing page/sales page and email. With this method as well you can start affiliate marketing with no money or no website.

So if you’re unfamiliar with what a landing page is, it’s basically like a mini version of a website because it only has one goal.

Now when you go to a normal website you have navigation at the top that says home, about us, contact us, and services you have a lot of different pages.

Now a landing page is actually the complete opposite of that, so with landing pages generally the way it works is that you put your email in exchange for getting a free guide or some sort of lead magnet

Now a lead magnet is basically something that entices you to give your email because once you get someone’s email, you basically have direct access to contact that customer.

Sales pages, landing pages you know sales funnels and email is a great ways to sell high ticket items because generally when an item is more expensive and it requires more of a commitment you’re going to need to have a better relationship with your customer

If you are selling a 50-dollar pair of headphones, you don’t really need to make a whole elaborate sales funnel process because to sell something for 50 bucks, is really more of an impulse buy.

See also  How To Make A Quick $1000 Through Affiliate Marketing And Scale It Up

You can watch the single video and just be like “alright! I want to buy these headphones”

 $50 it’s not really going to break the bank. I can just go buy it right now on Amazon

But when you’re selling a 500 dollar product people are really gonna have to take the time to think about this to plan it out maybe wait for their paycheck on Friday.

It requires a lot more nurturing of the leads. So with the sales funnel it’s like the most direct way to instantly get in contact with the customer and build a relationship.

So, that’s one way to start affiliate marketing without having to create a whole elaborate website and go more directly after the sale.

What I like about sales funnels is that it’s basically autopilot, once you set it up and it’s converting the right way.

You create the sales funnel process and even the email marketing sequence is completely automated.

So let’s say you make five emails and everyone who puts in their email to your sales funnel, gets hit with those emails Monday Tuesday, Wednesday whatever the day may be after they join.

This is a way to build a relationship, build a rabbit hole, and to sell your customer on autopilot and that’s what makes passive income even if you start affiliate marketing with no money that is another reason why I think a sales funnel is a great method.


  1. Free Facebook Group

Alright, so the third method to start affiliate marketing with no money or without a website is by creating a free Facebook group.

So what I like about Facebook groups is that it is free, you get to build a community and honestly, when it comes to sales, especially high ticket things it’s much better to create an actual community because then you actually get to build a relationship over time.

If there’s a new product on the market, you can instantly have this pool of people who have been following you for a while and you’ve been interacting with and then you have an audience that you can tap into instantly once there’s a new product on the market.

start affiliate marketing with no money

When you have a community, it revolves around a single topic or a niche, and the more niche that you can get in terms of like not just getting anyone off the street but actually getting people who are interested and invested in your market.

This makes it much easier to sell products (even if you start affiliate marketing with no money) that are in your niche.

Another cool thing about Facebook groups is that you can get free organic members because you know when you make a Facebook group it actually gets suggested on the right-hand sidebar on Facebook to other groups if your members happen to be in other groups that are related.

Then you can get members from those groups and vice versa


Final Words

Hope you have learned 3 methods from this post through which you can start affiliate marketing with no money and no website.

Which method is your favorite method to start affiliate marketing without a website?.

There is an awesome course about Affiliate Marketing HERE with more details from a 6 figure online money-making expert who makes $1,00,000 every month.

You can check it out if you are really interested to make money online via Affiliate Marketing.

Let us know if you have any queries in the comments section below.

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